A new project

Happy new year! I hope yours is off to as great a start as mine. Over the past few days, I ended my impromptu holiday blogging hiatus with an annual trip with friends to the Hudson Valley region. It was wonderful: great company, great food, great exploring, and a great time had by all.

And now comes the new year. It has begun exhaustingly, in a good way, and here’s hoping it continues as such.

I’ve never really been big on new year’s resolutions, but I figured I’d challenge myself this year. I’m going to post here at least once a week. On days I don’t post, I’ll do some writing in another form, whether that’s a blog draft, in a journal, as part of a larger project, or maybe (if I want to cheat) I’ll just tweet something. And if I don’t personally expand the general corpus of blogging like that, I’ll read at least 20 pages of whatever book I happen to be working through at the moment (currently, it’s Grant by Ron Chernow and Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson). Like I’ve heard said, “No input, no output,” after all.

So in lieu of resolutions, that’s my first major goal of 2019. I can tell it’s off to a good start because I already have this post done and ready to go. Here’s looking forward to 51 more!