
Book Articles

White Deer of the Old First Ward (Conroy and Brown’s Impractical Cartography)

Scholarly Articles

A Light History of Electromagnetic Waves: Waves and Particles before Wave-Particle Duality (Colgate Academic Review, Vol. 4)

Nations on their Shoulders (Colgate Academic Review, Vol. 2)


These are various blogging projects I’ve worked on in the past.

Lincoln’s Playlist (2009-15) was a collection of made-up lists about the presidents done for no other reason than fun.

Also Newsworthy (2015-16) featured strange or offbeat articles and advertisements from old newspapers. This is currently on hiatus because it was a lot of fun, but I never had time to search for articles.

Puffinfights (2008-09) had flash and experimental fiction that I wrote in my spare time as an undergrad.

‘Gatelife: this was a student life blog I did for Colgate University for about 2 years, but unfortunately, they’ve taken it down, although you can see proof that it existed here.