My 2019 reading list

When last we met, I talked about my favorite books that I read last year, and now I’d like to turn to the books I’m excited to read this year.

Over the past seven or so weeks, I took on some seasonal hours at a local big-chain bookstore, and subsequently, my to-read list just exploded. I mostly worked a register, so there wasn’t too much exploring I could do, but when they put me on shelving–oh man. It was incredibly difficult to not read the back of every interesting title. And not just in history! I was exposed to genres I don’t read a lot of, like sci fi/fantasy, nature/science, and fiction (in general). Who could have guessed that the book I’m most looking forward to I would have chanced upon in the medicine section?

So these are the titles that I secretly scribbled down in my little notebook while looking around to see if anyone was watching (I’m still not sure if this was frowned upon or not, so I didn’t want to take any chances at the time), plus some that I already had wanted to check out. I’m aiming for 20 books this year.




I’m trying to read more books by women and writers of color, so this is just a start. If you have any recommendations, please feel free to get in touch!